Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Great Unread—January

Well, it’s the moment of truth.  Did you read your January selection? That book that’s been languishing on the shelf, or in your TBR pile? I finished mine, The Name of the Rose, on Sunday night, just in the nick of time. 

I’ve decided that it’s not a keeper. I loved the essential storyline, but it is very much the first novel of an esoteric academic and Eco gets way too bogged down in historical and linguistic details. Even though I liked it well enough, I can’t imagine myself picking it up again.

In a way I’m happy, because my edition, besides being a paperback, doesn’t really fit on the shelf aesthetically. (In a perfect world, the only yellow or gold on my bookshelf would be in my special boxed editions of Tolkien, but that’s a story for another day.)

At least now I get to contribute something interesting to our work bookshelf.

How about you? Are you happy or disappointed that you finally took that book down to read?


Unknown said...

I am almost finished with my shelf book. It is a challenge to read, but I am enjoying it. The book is "Salem Witch Judge - the Life and Repentance of Samuel Sewall" by Eve LaPlante. If you have ever had an interest in the Salem Witch Trials and/or early colonial religious practices, I would reccomend this book.
My February shelf book is already selected.
I LOVE this challenge.

Unknown said...

I finished The Strain, and it was a lot of fun. I'm definitely glad I finished it, even though I'm not especially anxious to get the next book in the series.

Sylvie said...

Melissa, that sounds like exactly the type of book this challenge is for. But why so mysterious about your next selection?

Amy, congratulations! That's pretty much how I feel. I liked the book, but I'm not inspired to read more Eco (especially since I've heard this one is the most accessible).

Tamara Skaredoff said...

My January book was The_Windup_Girl and I guess I'm glad i read it if only because I kept hearing about it all over and now I know for sure that it isn't my cup of tea. Well-crafted and relevant, I wouldn't discourage anyone else from reading it, but I don't need to keep an eye out for anything else by the author.

February's will be The_Year_of_Magical_Thinking, which I have two copies of. I don't think I've read Didion before, so I have no idea what to expect. I'm mildly dreading it, so chances are it will be wonderful, right?